
Tenzi is a fun game to play in the classroom. All you need is ten dice for each person. First, you roll all ten dice at once. Then, you choose a number that you rolled. Then, you keep that number and try to roll it. If you keep getting it, keep it. If you get all ten on that number, you call out, “Tenzi!” This is a fun game to play with friends.

Busy at Home

Knock Knock!
Who’s There?
Hawaii Who?
I’m doing fine, thanks. Hawaii doing?

Staying Busy

NH History

Made with Padlet

My String Art

Reading the Book of Luke!

Serving with STEM

Using our STEM skills to sew fleece neck warmers to put in blessing bags for people in a homeless situation.


What do you think about the Fourth of July or Christmas?  What do you do to celebrate the holidays?  What I think about the Fourth of July is the signature on the Declaration of Independence.  What about Christmas?  Christmas is a time of year when family comes and when Jesus the Son of God was born.

Christmas is . . . .

strings of lights, sparkling, snowy, shining bulbs, presents, glimmering, beautiful, gifts, candy canes.

My New Hampshire Map

Engineering a Marblerun

To top off our marblerun engineering challenges, we each designed our own marblerun idea.  Here’s mine.

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